
Time expiring for NC man to find brother's killer

Time expiring for NC man to find brother's killer

ROCKWELL, N.C. (AP) — Al Gentry is running out of time to find his brother's killer.

After years of chasing leads, he thought he'd found the person responsible for the 1986 murder — an elderly Georgia widow who was married to his brother and left a decades-long trail of five dead husbands in five states.

Betty Neumar was charged in 2008 with three counts of solicitation to commit first-degree murder in the death of Harold Gentry.

But weeks before her trial in 2011, the 79-year-old Neumar died of cancer.

That hasn't stopped Gentry from continuing to press law enforcement authorities for answers.

Stanly County Sheriff Rick Burris says the case is no longer active, even though it's still open. He says they just don't have any new leads.

