

Looked at a lot of people post online are basicall carte R4i SDHC 3DSLooked at a lot of people post online are basically based on the r3 previous version, because the Android NDK is r4 is released in the near future, some of them changed, so this installation process re-sort. Installation environment Windows 7 64bit (before Ubuntu Desktop installed the android NDK is r4i gold 3dslike the r3 version, then out of curiosity, this installation is compared to the Ubuntu download to install Windows environment installed in order to try to debug a program) or a bit more complicated. Download the android NDK is r4 Windows installation package, unzip to the location you want to put, Carte R4i Sdhcor example: d: \ the android. Install the cygwin version 1.7 above, a simulated linux environment, need to select the installation you want to install Linux-related components, with reference to prior to online articles, install the following package autoconf2.1automake1.10binutilsgcc-coregcc4-coregdcarte r4i goldbpcrepcre-develGNU awk follow-up missing package, you can continue the installation. I seemingly need (cc) are fitted, Oh. After installation, run the cygwin, using the Linux friends are no strangers. . Cygwin can be modified by vim, you can also modify the home in the windows installation directory

