
Egypt's upper house of parliament meets Wednesday

Egypt's upper house of parliament meets Wednesday
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    CAIRO (AP) — An official statement says President Mohammed Morsi has ordered parliament's upper chamber to convene on Wednesday.

    The statement Monday comes a day after Morsi appointed 90 members to the Islamist-dominated Shura Council. The 90 include at least 30 Islamists and six minority Christians. The council has a total of 270 members, two-thirds of them elected.

    The toothless body was elected last winter by less than 10 percent of the 51 million eligible voters. It will assume legislative powers until a lower chamber is elected within the next two months. Morsi has had legislative powers since the lower chamber was dissolved by a court in June.

    The council's empowerment is provided for in a new constitution passed in a referendum over the past two weekends, according to unofficial results.

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